
Department: Testing Services for management of viral contamination


We develop experimental strategies and carry out virucidal activities tests considering the real use conditions of disinfectant products and equipment in order to optimize the management of the viral contamination for breeding industries, research laboratories, R&D centers, Biotech and industrial production areas.

  • Experimental procedures consider:

- Management process of microbiological disinfection and client's products/equipment

- Dirty conditions associated with chemical and organic pollutants of site-specific activities and environment

- Viral strain of client or a wide range of human and animal viral strains.

- Standardized experimental procedures if applicable

  • Validation of disinfection procedures by evaluating the microbicidal performance of disinfectants and use parameters according to standards or adapted procedures.

  • Evaluation of microbicidal performance of wipes for surface disinfection

  • Laboratory test to evaluate cleaning and disinfection procedures following spills of contaminated products.

  • Qualification of performance of airborne room disinfection automated process.

  • Development of Quantitative Biological Indicators (QBI) and analysis of commercial BI for on-site testing.

  • Microbicidal efficacy test by immersion on small equipment and instruments.

  • Gene therapy: experimental procedures for the evaluation of virucidal activity of products/equipment against lentiviral and Adeno-Associated-Virus vectors.